Opioid Remediation Funds in Action, Resources

NARCAN Related Resources

If this NaloxBox is empty, please inform AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod by calling 508-487-8311.

You can also call the town health department.


MA Good Samaritan Law

The Massachusetts Good Samaritan Law protects the victim and those who seek help during an overdose. The law provides legal protection from arrest, charge and prosecution for obtaining, possessing, using, being under the influence, or administering Naloxone/Narcan for an opioid overdose.

An overdose does not typically happen as suddenly as you might think. Most overdose deaths happen one to three hours after a person has ingested or injected a drug or drugs. This can be good news, because it means that it can be possible to help someone who overdoses. A person who has overdosed is much more likely to survive or have less severe consequences from an overdose if they receive medical assistance as quickly as possible. This means it is best to call 911 as soon as signs of overdose are confirmed. Unfortunately, many people do not want to call for help out of fear of getting in trouble themselves. According to an article in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the most common reason people cite for not calling 911 is fear of police involvement. Passed in 2012, the Massachusetts Good Samaritan Law encourages someone who witnesses an overdose to seek help from professionals by providing the caller, and the person who overdosed, protection from arrest and prosecution for drug possession. The goal is to protect people so they are not afraid to involve emergency services as soon as possible.

NARCAN Training Video. While in person trainings are always preferred, watch this video from a Board of Health meeting in which AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod trained community and board members. (Click “Jump to Index Point” to skip to 22:49 when training starts. Training ends at 53:40.)
How to Use NARCAN. Wallet card directions in EnglishSpanish, and Portuguese. Poster in English and Spanish.
Free NARCAN available in all four towns. Visit a “NaloxBox” at one of these locations.
Find the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod Mobile Unit in all four towns. Visit their van at one of these locations.


For additional programs, resources, and agencies that can help you or a loved one managing substance use disorder, click here.


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