Opioid Remediation Funds in Action, Resources

Resource List: Managing Opioid Use on the Outer Cape

Free NARCAN available in all four towns. Visit a “NaloxBox” at one of these locations.
Find the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod Mobile Unit in all four towns. Visit their van at one of these locations.



see flyer for program overview

Recovery Yoga for Adults

Free Weekly Yoga Classes in Wellfleet on Tuesdays, beginning January 14, 2025: more information here

Outer Cape Health Services 

More information on all OCHS Recovery programs here

Structured Outpatient Addiction Program (SOAP): SOAP is an intensive outpatient program that offers focused counseling on a wide range of recovery and relapse prevention topics. SOAP patients receive group counseling 3 days a week, as well as weekly individual sessions and ongoing case management. We also incorporate presentations from partner agencies in the community on services such as employment, benefits, housing, education, and legal advocacy. Patients generally engage in the SOAP program for 1-2 months. Graduates of the program report that they are better equipped to meet their recovery goals and are more aware of recovery resources.
SOAP Schedule – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am – 12:30pm

Office-Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT): OBAT is a form of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Our OBAT care involves the use of medications such as Suboxone and Vivitrol to eliminate the drug cravings and painful withdrawal symptoms that typically occur when an opioid-dependent or alcohol dependent individual stops using his or her substance of abuse. OBAT also includes a therapeutic behavioral health component, frequently in the form of group counseling, to help achieve and sustain long-term recovery.

Comprehensive Treatment Center: Wellfleet Mobile Unit

Wellfleet Mobile Unit (CTC) offers outpatient treatment for adults age 18 and older of all genders who are struggling with opioid use disorder. The van, which is parked in Wellfleet, MA at the OCHS Pharmacy, provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT) – including Methadone, Suboxone, and Buprenorphine. Open 7 days a week, 6am – 9am at 2700 Route 6, Wellfleet. Call 877-749-4446 for more information. Accepting all insurances (private, Medicare, Medicaid) and self-pay. More information here.

More program information coming soon…

-Wellstrong Wellness – teens

-Wellstrong Yoga – young adults



AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod (ASGCC) –

Provides support, education and resources using a harm reduction approach for those managing substance use, including HIVHCV testing, comprehensive risk assessments, overdose prevention education, NARCAN trainings and distribution, syringe services (distribution and collection), safer injection kits, and referrals to medical, mental health, and recovery supports. All services are free and open to anyone.

Current locations on the Outer Cape include their Provincetown Drop-In Center (301 Commercial Street – 508-487-8311) or their Mobile Unit, which will be driving around the area beginning 2024.  View their full website.

FIRST Steps Together: A program of Cape Cod Children’s Place

FIRST (Families In Recovery SupporT) Steps Together is a home visiting program that is able to provide flexible, community based and virtual services. Individuals are matched with a family recovery support specialist who is a person in recovery with specialized training. They will walk beside the parent/caregiver on both their recovery and early parenting journey. All services are free and open to any parent or caregiver managing substance use with a child under 5-years old (exceptions can be made; custodial rights not required). More information here. View CCCP’s full website.

Outer Cape Health Services

OCHS’s mission is to provide a full range of healthcare and supportive social services that promote the health and well-being of all who live in or visit the ten outermost towns of Cape Cod. They offer two free and accessible community based programs to support those managing substance use.

Recovery Coaches: Recovery Coaching is a 1:1 peer-based service providing assistance to those seeking to support their own recovery from Substance Use Disorders. Recovery coaches are most often in recovery themselves and therefore offer the lived experience of active addiction and successful recovery. They focus on helping individuals to set and achieve goals important to recovery. By supporting multiple pathways of recovery, Recovery Coaches assist individuals to build recovery capital to help achieve overall wellness. All services are free and open to anyone from Provincetown to Yarmouth.

Community Resource Navigators: The OCHS Community Navigator program helps assist residents with unmet medical, behavioral health, or human service needs through collaboration with local agencies, providers, and community groups. The Navigator works closely with community agencies from referrals and service coordination to help clients in their community by building relationships and identifying support networks. All services are free and open to anyone from Provincetown to Yarmouth.

Fishing Partnership

Fishing Partnership is a non-profit support services organization dedicated to improving the health, safety and economic security of commercial fishermen and their families. Founded in 1997, we bring critical support services and programs to more than 20,000 New England fishing families. Fishermen and fishing industry workers face rates of opioid overdose death that are five times higher than other Massachusetts workers because of the elevated rates of injury they suffer which leads to their use of pain medications. This places them at the center of the national opioid epidemic. With an office in Chatham, Fishing Partnership holds Narcan Training and also has three full-time navigators to support fishermen in accessing a variety of different services to maximize health and wellness. All services are free and open to anyone in the fishing community, including family members of fishermen. More information here

Cape Cod Intergroup

Cape Cod Intergroup serves as a hub of information on 12-Step groups on the Cape. You can find a list of group meetings, including virtual and in-person meetings, here.


Blue text that reads "OC Wellness Collaborative." Green map outlining the Outer Cape towns of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Subheader reads "Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, Eastham: Partners in Public Health"


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